The Role of the Restorative Dentist in the Management of Immediate Implant Placement in Extraction Sites

Immediate implant placement in extraction sockets with immediate temporization offers advantages to both the patient and the clinician, including fewer surgical procedures and reduced treatment time. While immediate placement and restoration in the esthetic zone presents unique challenges, improvements in implant design, bone and tissue preservation procedures and provisional restoration techniques can provide the benefits of immediate treatment with success rates comparable or improved to delayed protocols. This course will address the specific challenges of immediate placement and restoration, including:


  • Unique methods for fabrication of an immediate provisional, crucial to soft tissue preservation
  • Tridimensional alignment of the implant and use of graft material at time of surgery.   
  • Review of various types of extraction sockets, based on the integrity of the bony walls.
  • Proficiency in making an implant level impression with properly captured subgingival contours.
  • A step-by-step protocol to fabricate the proper screw retained provisional.

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